Friday, May 2, 2014

Eric Mckenzie: LBCC's ITS President

We all come to a point in our lives when we finally find something we love doing. That point where you wake up one day, look yourself in the mirror and without words you realize you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

For Eric Mckenzie, an LBCC welding student and the president of the Industrial Technical Services (ITS) club, this moment happened when he moved here from Southern California to pursue his interest in welding.

29 Palms, where Mckenzie is from, there isn't much to do and it's hard to stay motivated out in the desert and away from big cities.

"Traditional class room settings were always a little tough for me, that's why I enjoy welding so much, I'm hands on at all times and I'm actually getting job experience while in school," said Mckenzie

Mckenzie doesn't just represent himself but an entire organization of welders alike. ITS helps out a lot of people every year, locally and globally. This year ITS is creating a bell that will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.

They have also helped out around the campus, by welding a new cart for the Commuter's paper deliverer, and also helped improve the athletic facility, by welding all new racks for the zumba room.

Behind all of these projects you will find an amazing group of people and behind them you will find a man doing what ever he can to help them all.

 "He is always willing to help, and promptly addresses and situation that involves the ITS department, that's what makes him such a good president," said fellow ITS member Colby Cantrell.

Past the biker beard, steel toed boots, and flame retardant jacket, that ironically has red flames on it, there is motivated man with a very calm demeanor. All of Mckenzie's work with the ITS department helps hundreds of student every year pay for expensive certification classes and tests.

 "He is a really big motivator to the rest of the students, really outgoing and energetic about welding, "said Fred Stuewe who is the Co-Chair of the ITS department and current welding instructor.

Though sometimes the breaks and off times consist of conversations that one may here in a bar or from a group of veterans, when it's time to get down to business, welders make the transition faster than anyone I have ever seen.

Some days Mckenzie has 12 hour days, eight of which are in the shop, the remaining four are in a classroom so that he can receive his contractor's certification, which would allow him to work as a welder while still in school.

What you don't hear from him is a single complaint. What you do hear from him is the excitement in his voice, that after each day there is a renewed sense of accomplishment.

You can see how much welding means to him and how much pride he has in himself and the ITS department as a whole.

In the future Mckenzie hopes to get his general contractor's license and start his own welding company, but welding can be a very profitable occupation so working for a well established company wouldn't be to bad either.

Where ever Mckenzie ends up in the job market doesn't matter because he knows he will be the best welder that he can be, and that in itself will be a dream come true.

At A Glance:
Eric Mckenzie
ITS President
26 years old
A second year student at LBCC
Hobbies: Anime and Soccer

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